Pencil and paper, logo designs

The history and experiences of every artist is reflected in their work, and every artist brings their endeavours to fruition through their own flow of imagination and creativity. To attempt to define a one size fits all approach to the creative process seems highly difficult, however, to design a framework in which creativity and imagination can operate freely so that objectives can be met, is very possible.

Two books on logo design greatly inspired how we go about achieving our creative goals. The first book, Logo Savvy compiled by WOW Branding and published by Rockport Publishers, showcases case studies and in-house processes of the world’s top branding agencies. The second book, Design Matters-Logos, complied by Capsule and also published by Rockport Publishers, presents methodologies for brainstorming and idea formation. While these books focus on logo creation and design, they were instrumental in the research and development of the framework for our creative design frameworks.

The creative process framework is extremely beneficial during those times when you are not immediately inspired by a project, and are struggling to come up with ideas. The methodology defined by the creative framework gives you a place to start the process. Although it’s possible to create directly on the computer, we prefer to always start the process by picking up pen and paper and sketching our ideas by hand prior to generating them on the computer. Sometimes picking up tools and being more physically involved with the creation rather than working immediately on the computer can enhance the flow of ideas, and help you visualize the finished product, especially when facing multiple projects or when under a tight deadline.

The creative phase is also informed by plenty of reading around and brainstorming techniques such as 20 ideas in 20 minutes or linking lists of keywords to visual themes. By using a creative process in this way enables us to ensure originality in every project.

I’d love to hear what methods or techniques you use when facing creative tasks, leave a comment below or ping me an email.